Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Catwoman chapter 27-28 analysis

There are high and low angled shots of characters in the film. The high angled shot is of catwoman and then it cuts to a low angled shot of the vilian of the film. The high angled shot signify's she is important and shes the hero and the low angled shot represents the vilians vunerability, there is also a shot like this of a cop on the floor and catwoman goes to rescue him.
low key lighting is used as the scene is set at night, the setting is in a building storage place with big windows where you can see the city and theres alot of space to move around especially as the fight is taking place there. Non diegetic sound of rock music is used when a fight begins in the scene this suggests the genre of the film which is action, these types of film are usualy linked to warner brother films this also suggests the audience which could be young 15+ male and female middle classed people. The heroes and villians in films are usually male but in this case both of them are female this reverse of roles in a film suggests that today women aren't typically stereotyped like they use to be. The stereotype in being challenged. Men are shown to be the damsel in distress in this film as catwoman is having to rescue them. The structure if the scene is based on Todorov's theory, the equilibrium is of cop having conversation with a woman who is the villain, the disequilibrium is of woman shootng cop and the resolution is of catwoman saving man and killing the villain.


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