Saturday, September 09, 2006

Media language: a variety of shots are used throughout the film such as closeup medium shot big closeup etc , for example there is a high angled shot of catwoman ( halle berry) and this represents her importance as she is the protagonist in the film. There is also a low angled shot of her for a few seconds as this emphasises that he is vunerable. the edits used such as cuts zoom in and out n fades are really fast especially when there is a fight scene it. the types of sound used is mainly non diegetic, the type of music is rock to fit in with the fight, they also make use of her voice over to inform the audience about what is going on in the film this also lets them identify with her . The film is set in newyork, although there are sets mainly used through out the film of offices her home and the funfair. most of the film is set at night and the colours used are black and blue evil, mystery,and suspense.

Institution:the institution is warner brothers village road show, this means that the film is high budgeted . the film is also made to be a prequel to the batman movies to try and gain its audience. this institution is commercial and you would expect it to be distributed every where, especially as they seem to make alot of action films.

Genre: it is a hybrid because it is an action film with a hint of romance init . it fulfills the audiences expectation because it kind of has a pradictable story line but is also different due to the hero being a female.the director is Pitof and the film has Halle Berry as she is a well known actress in hollywood.

Representation:the films hero and villain are both female which makes the film unique to a certain extent. there are stereotypes e.g. a geeky person wanting to be successful, and a man helping a damsel in distress but these stereotypes are reinforced as the film goes on. it is showing women to be independant and is also giving them a better role in the film as they are usually seen as a sexual object there to satisfy men.

Audience: the targeted audience are males and females aged 15 and plus. maybe middle classed .

Ideology and values:the film is trying to show that women can be just as successfull as men.

Narrative: the film does follow todorov's theory although it seem like it is going to be a circular narrative in the begining. the main theme are life and death .


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